hotgals.sty Quite A Pair Modern living has advantages and disadvantages, and sometimes, one gets a bit of spice from the aforementioned advantages. The crowding of houses close enough to touch created townhomes and condos, and some advantages. I live in a townhouse and the neighbor's across the walkway moved out recently, and I was hoping that someone interesting would move in. I didn't have to wait too long, as a week later, Michelle and her friend, Jackie moved in. Their place is a small two bedroom, two bath mirror image of my own, and on the Saturday they moved in, I said hello and gave them a hand moving a few of the larger items in. Sunday, Michelle knocked on the door and asked if she could borrow a screwdriver. I gave her several tools and went about my errands for the day, noticing that the girls were making good headway in getting their new home straightened out. It was late afternoon when I returned home from the store, and Michelle again knocked, returning my tools. We chatted for a while, and I asked how things were going. Jackie came out, wiping sweat from her face and said that they still needed to finish filling a waterbed. I offered to cook them steaks for dinner, at my place, and treat them to a well deserved break. They hesitated for all of one second and agreed. I asked if six o'clock would be alright, figuring they would want to clean up. Agreement and smiles, and we parted until dinner. Dinner went fine, and I put on a good, but simple, meal of steaks, corn, and salad for the girls. I was delighted, as they were both good company for a single guy, both very attractive, and, I hoped, both unattached. Conversation at dinner centered around where good restaurants, stores, and such were in this part of town, and humorous horror stories of previous moves we'd all made. After dinner, we talked a while longer, then ambled across the walkway to make sure that the waterbed didn't overfill, and to fumble about until I excused myself to clean up the dinner dishes. I didn't want to overstay my welcome, and they had plenty to do yet. Later that night, Jackie waved "goodnight" to me through the front window, and I smiled and waved back. Things seemed like they were going to be very pleasant around here! The week went slowly, and I found myself eagerly rushing home, so that I could spend some more time with these lovely ladies. That weekend, they both went out shopping, and I ended up playing baseball with friends. Then we saw little of each other for the next week, except for the morning rush out the door. I'd had to work late several nights that week to get out a project, so I came home to see their place dark. Friday night I left work early, intending to be home when Michelle and Jackie arrived, and perhaps invite them to dinner again. This time, I wanted it to be more relaxed and unhurried. As luck would have it, traffic delayed me, and I arrived home about seven, just in time to see the girls leaving with two other guys in a BMW. Something about the best laid plans of mice and men. Of the two of them, it was hard to decide which I liked better. Michelle seemed to be a bit tomboy-ish, but she also had the fuller figure. Michelle is a pretty brunette, about five seven, blue eyes, about 120, and a pair of breasts that seem to beg to be touched. She keeps her hair over her shoulders, and her lips appear to curve up at the edges, giving her a very seductive smile. Jackie is smaller, about five four, slim, and petite. A natural blonde, with small, "pert" tits that don't need a bra, blue eyes, and legs that look delicious in shorts. Both girls have behinds that are nicely shaped. Michelle is older, about 28, and Jackie is 19, which I learned when pouring the wine during our dinner together. Saturday, I had a flying lesson, and left very early. I returned about four that afternoon, noticing that the drapes across the walkway were open and the TV was on. Minutes after I had arrived, there was a knock at the front door. I opened it and saw Jackie standing there, wearing an exercise outfit, which was clinging tightly to her slim form. She was returning a hammer that Michelle had borrowed earlier and forgotten to return. I asked if they would be free for dinner, but Jackie, thanking me all the same, said they had plans for the evening. I smiled and said "some-other-time-perhaps" and she smiled, saying "maybe-Sunday-let-me-talk-to-Michelle". That night I stayed in, watching an old movie on the tube. About ten o'clock I decided that I might as well turn in. Then I noticed I'd forgotten to mail my bills, so off to the mailbox I went. It was a pleasant summer night, so I walked down to the mailbox and strolled slowly back to the house, taking my time to just enjoy the evening. As I walked up the dark walkway by Michelle and Jackie's place, I heard hushed voices and saw a dim light through the wooden fence. I slowed, and peered between two boards that had warped apart over time. My eyes must have been as wide as saucers as I looked into their back yard. In the master bedroom, a full size glass door faces the fence, and I could see them both in bed, the dim light of several candles illuminating their bodies. Through the glass, I could see Jackie, lying on the bed, completely naked, with her arms and legs in a spread-eagle position. Michelle was kneeling next to her, dressed in a garter-belt, stockings, and a corset, with her breasts over the top of the cups. Michelle was running her hands over Jackie's body, lightly teasing her. Michelle held a feather in one hand, occasionally drawing it ever so lightly across her blonde friend's nipples or abdomen, making her toss her head. I stood spellbound, watching them play and caress. Jackie would reach up and caress Michelle's ass with her hand, only to have Michelle firmly slap her hand and move away. I watched for about ten minutes, the bulge in my pants demanding attention desperately. I decided that I should go home, take a deep breath (or a cold shower) and perhaps return later to see if they were still going at it. Inside my own house, I wondered if they were lesbians, or perhaps bisexual, as I had seen them going out the night before. It was about midnight when I quietly returned to the fence. Jackie was still spread-eagled on the bed, but now Michelle had removed her corset. My eyes were better adjusted to the dim lighting, and I could see Jackie's large, dark, nipples contrasting with her fair skin. Michelle's nipples seemed darker and fuller too. Michelle was using a small dildo on Jackie's pussy, and Jackie seemed to be near to orgasm by her frantic head tossing. Michelle stopped and Jackie seemed to beg her to continue but I couldn't hear her words. Michelle sat near her, touching her several places, except for her pussy or tits. Then I saw why Jackie had stayed in her position so long. She was tied to the bed with a white cord around her wrists and feet. In the dim light, the cord blended with her fair skin and the sheets. Michelle started to do something that almost made me come in my pants as I stood and watched. She reached between her own legs and fingered herself, then she ran her fingers over Jackie's cheeks. She did this several times, spreading her own juices on the blonde's face. Everywhere. She did her forehead, nose, lips and chin. Jackie licked at the fingers, but Michelle wouldn't let her, waiting until she calmed down first. Michelle then took the dildo from Jackie's pussy, and sucked it, running her tounge all around the ersatz cock in front of her friend's face. Then she returned it to Jackie's cunt, working it back and forth before withdrawing it again. Now she rubbed it over the blonde's small tits, coating her nipples with her own creamy juices. I glanced around, realizing that I might get into trouble "peeking" like this, but I couldn't pry myself away. The sight of these two beautiful women loving each other was too much for me to pass up. Michelle kept repeating this for a long time, until, at last, she leaned over, placing her head between Jackie's spread thighs. Jackie erupted in a noisy orgasm, panting loudly enough that I could hear her clearly. I looked around again, then back to them. Jackie was straining at her bonds, writhing like a snake under Michelle's assault. Seconds later, Jackie lay sweating and panting on the bed, as Michelle untied her wrists and ankles. They held each other then, kissing and stroking each other softly. I returned home, trying to figure out how best to approach either of them as a sexual partner, with the idea of joining their fun. I lay in bed, tossing and turning for another hour. It was nearly three am when I got up and dressed, and walked over to the fence once again. I thought they'd be asleep, but I was wrong. This time, Michelle lay on her back, while Jackie rapidly and repeatedly plunged the didlo into her wide-spread cunt. Just as Michelle started to come, Jackie removed the dildo and buried her face between Michelle's legs, riding her bucking form until she collapsed in a panting heap. Jackie crawled up and held the bigger girl, kissing her and stroking her head. I again returned home, and this time, I played a game of "beat the bishop" to satisfy the tremendous urges they'd aroused. Sunday, I smiled and chatted with Jackie as she swept the front step off, and asked her what she'd done to her wrists, as they were both a bit bruised. I knew, of course, the cause, but wondered how she would cover it up. "I must've done that moving stuff." she said quietly. Jackie wore her shorts and exercise outfit, and I realized how little it really covered her. Michelle came out, headed for the store, and I brought up dinner again. "That's a nice idea." She said. "But it's OUR turn to treat you." I insisted that they needn't go to the bother, but Michelle insisted, saying that dinner would be a six, and that this time, we could all go for a swim in the pool before hand. I agreed, if for no other reason, than to see them in sexy swim suits. At five, I knocked on their door, and Michelle answered, wearing a dynamite swimsuit that revealed more than it hid. I wore a pair of short trunks, and we looked each other over. "Oh my gawd! I've died and gone to heaven!" I said, after whistling at her choice of swimwear. Michelle laughed, "Wait 'til you see what Jackie's wearing." She said as she motioned me inside. I entered, laying my towel over the back of a chair. "Want anything to drink?" Michelle asked. I declined, but she went to the kitchen to retreive her wine glass. "Ta-Daaaa!" Jackie said, appearing from her bedroom. Jackie's suit was almost truly indecent, and I could feel my prick begin to bulge right away. Jackie's suit top was no more than two small circles of fabric that covered her nipples, just barely, and were held in place by very, very thin strings. The bottoms were high, french-cut, leaving the sides of her thighs exposed, and most of her lovely bottom. The fabric dove down between her legs at a severe angle, covering only about 1/2 of the area normally covered by her pubic hair. She'd shaved, that was obvious. As she modeled, I realized that the suit bottom must be only about a half-inch above the top of her slit. Looking at this took much less time than to explain it. In comic response, I clutched at my heart, feigning cardiac arrest. Michelle laughed again, but Jackie looked at me a bit exasperated. "I'd hoped you'd have grabbed something else!" She said sternly. "Will these suits be okay?" Michelle asked. "Okay for who?" I retorted. "I love 'em! But some old biddy is likely to get her nose out of joint." "Well, I guess we don't go swimming then." Jackie said dejectedly. "Why not?" I asked. "Who cares what they think?" We went over to the pool, towels draped over our shoulders, and found to our surprise that it was empty of people. I was glad for the cool water, as it took care of a swelling problem for me. The girls were both excellent swimmers and I wisely gave up early, rather than wear myself out. We returned to the house and Michelle offered some more wine. This time I accepted. They were cooking a small turkey, and it wasn't done, so we sat in the living room to talk. Our suits were still damp, and I put my towel down on the sofa. Michelle sat at one end of the sofa, with Jackie in a chair closest to me at the other end. We talked for a while about people's attitudes towards nudity and how silly most of them were. After a short while, it began to get chilly, and Jackie got up and closed the drapes. "This suit is giving me the chills." She said. "Mine too." Michelle echoed. "How about you?" She asked me. "Want me to toss yours into the dryer with ours?" It was a loaded question, as I could have gone not twenty feet to my own place to change. "Sure." I said, thinking that I'd be wearing a towel for a while. "Great!" Jackie said, and she dropped her bikini top into my lap. I stared at the damp fabric in my hands for a few seconds, as she came around in front of me and slid out the the rest of her suit. Now I gawked at her naked ass as she turned around towards me. Jackie was indeed a natural blonde, and she'd shaved most of her pubic hair off to wear the suit. Only a small "V" was left just above the top of her cleft. "C'mon, get 'em off!" She chuckled. Michelle was now standing and removing her suit. I stood, handing Jackie her top back, and, a bit dazed, began unfastening my trunks. Michelle slipped out of her suit and walked over to Jackie, her breasts swaying and bouncing. I got the suit untied, and slid it down and off my feet, knowing that both girls were looking at my cold-shriveled cock. "I'll dump these in the dryer." Jackie said and quickly bounded off down the hall. Michelle handed me a glass of wine and moved closer. As she did, I felt a warm flow of blood into a specific portion of my anatomy. Michelle's nipples were hard and crinkled from the dampness of her own suit. "Poor fellas look cold." I said, looking at her nipples. Michelle didn't say anything, but she put her hand on the back of my head and guided me to her cool nipples. As my warm tounge washed them in warmth, Michelle sighed, stiffening at my touch. I moved from one to the other, and sucked them both, gently biting her erect nipples. Michelle stepped away when we heard Jackie returning, and she came into the room like a carefree spirit. "Now what should we talk about?" Jackie asked. Michelle and I looked at each other and broke up laughing. Michelle moved over and stood next to Jackie, cupping Jackie's right breast. "Doesn't she have the lovliest nipples you've ever seen?" Michelle asked. I nodded. Jackie's nipples were very large for so small of a breast, and a very dark rosy-brown for someone so fair skinned. Michelle bent down and licked Jackie's nipple, making Jackie sigh. I moved over and took her left breast, and together we sucked on them both. Jackie shoved her chest out and held on to both our heads as we sucked her tits. I ran my hand down her back, Michelle going down the front. Our fingers met over Jackie's damp pussy, and together we probed her entrance. Jackie's hips swayed and she moaned softly. "Wait a second." Michelle said, and she came around in front of Jackie and motioned me aside. Michelle knelt down and licked my now stiffening cock, then she took it completely into her mouth. Her hot mouth against the coldness of my flesh immediately brought me to arousal. Michelle sucked on my cock, making it larger with each stroke until I was fully hard. Even then, my cock slid down into her throat, her nose resting against my stomach. Jackie knelt too, and took over for Michelle. Jackie didn't go down as far, but her tounge was very good. Michelle stood and kissed me, my hands automatically finding her bigger breasts and squeezing them softly. We moaned into each other's mouths. Michelle rubbed her pussy against my thigh, and Jackie's mouth on my cock was moving quickly, wetting me with her saliva. My hands slid down Michelle's sensual curves and she made room for me to slip my hand between her thighs. My hand found Jackie's, already pumping in and out of Michelle's sopping cunt. Aroused, I slipped my fingers in with hers and Michelle gasped. Jackie licked my balls, breathing hot air against them, driving me crazy with desire. Michelle and I kissed again, and this time I spread some of her juices on her nipple, then licked it away. "Ohh, yes!" Michelle whispered. Recalling my previous adventures watching them, I again slid my fingers between Michelle's thighs, working in and out of her sopping wet pussy. This time, as I withdrew my fingers, Michelle looked down. Jackie was still sucking my cock, and I spread Michelle's wetness across Jackie's cheek. Michelle just hissed in my ear, her tounge darting around my ear and her tits pressed hard against my arm. Her body writhed and undulated like a snake against me. "Yesssssss." Michelle hissed. "Cum in her mouth!" That was unexpected, and with the two of them so hot, I couldn't resist it. My sperm gushed forth into Jackie's mouth a second later, and it felt like I hadn't come in ages. I looked down, and Jackie was rubbing my cock all over her face, even as cum still spurted across her lips and cheeks. Her cum coated tounge licked my cock, and then she sat up, rubbing it across her nipples. "Hmmmm." Jackie moaned. Michelle knelt and kissed her gooey face, then licked up a thick gob of sperm from her chin. The girls kissed fiercely, and their lusty activities kept me hard. Michelle began to suck my cock, while Jackie nursed on her right tit, sucking her nipple and rubbing my cum on her tit. Jackie's hand found Michelle's pussy and soon, Michelle was moaning around my cock. Michelle was frantically sucking my cock, getting closer to her own orgasm each second. Her moans were exciting me greatly, as was watching Jackie's tight ass moving back and forth. Jackie lifted her mouth from Michelle's nipple. "She wants you to cum in her mouth too!" She moaned, then returned to sucking her friend's tits. Michelle began massaging my balls with her hands, cupping them and warming them with her saliva. I groaned, feeling my cum building up inside. Jackie's fingers were pounding Michelle's cunt now, making all of us sway. Michelle was moaning, her face contorting in the beginning of her orgasm. Just as she moaned around my cock, my hips, barely restrained, surged forward, and again I came, spurting thick cum into Michelle's eager mouth. Michelle, just cumming herself, moaned around my cock each time I spurted. Still shaking and fucking Jackie's hand, she grabbed the blonde's head and kissed her, her mouth still full of my hot sperm. Jackie kissed back, and the two of them began to lick each others' faces, making each other's faces wet with saliva and cum. No sooner had I regained my breath, than Jackie was sitting on Michelle's face, rubbing her juicy cunt hard against Michelle's mouth. I knelt next to them both, pulling on Jackie's large nipples, licking and whispering into her ear. "Cum on her face!" I breathed into her ear hotly. "Soak her face!" Jackie stiffened and groaned, shaking, then moaning loudly. I pinched her stiff nipples again and again, and she was practically jumping up and down on Michelle's face. Jackie collapsed in a heap on top of Michelle, but Michelle was obviously ready for more. Jackie rolled off and panted on the floor, her breasts glistening from sweat that now covered us all. Gone was the earlier chill that had us removing our clothes, replaced with a burning passion. Michelle started to get up and I positioned myself on my back, pulling her sweet ass over my face. I wanted to taste her fragrant pussy myself, and she lowered her musky twat down onto my eager tounge. Michelle's cunt was delicious and sweet, flowing like a river into my mouth. I licked and sucked her clit, and she shuddered each time. I kept tounging around her entrance, then down between there and her anus, rimming her nether hole lightly. Michelle was panting "Oh God" over and over as I kept her near the edge, her cunt soaking my face with her cream. Jackie crawled over and began to lick at Michelle's anus and her opening, and together we brought her off long and hard, with Michelle crying out and thrashing against us. As Michelle relaxed, Jackie kissed me long and deep. I could taste the salty remnants of my own cum on her lips, and she licked Michelle's cream from my face as though it were nectar. Jackie was the first to sit on my cock, taking it easily into her sopped cunt. Jackie moved up and down slowly at first, letting all eight inches slide fully into her, then rising up slowly, she slammed down again. Jackie, after a few minutes, was practically jumping up and down on my cock, and Michelle was sucking her nipple, pinching the other. I reached up and began pinching both of Michelle's nipples, rolling the erect buds between my thumb and forefingers. "I have a fantasy." I said harshly. Michelle told me to go on, Jackie was still humping my shaft furiously. "I want you to eat my cum from her cunt." I told Michelle. Jackie, hearing that, groaned and seconds later was cumming like crazy on my cock. I grabbed her ass and fucked her with long, hard strokes, impaling her little form on my cock. "Ungh! Yes! Cum! Fuck! Cum! Cumminnnnggg!" Jackie cried. Jackie slowed and fell against me, panting and covering us both with sweat. I felt Michelle's hand slide up my balls, cock and Jackie's ass, then saw her lick her fingers. "I think Jackie oughta eat your cum from my cunt." Michelle said softly, then she kissed Jackie tenderly. "That way, you can suck her pussy while she's cleaning me with her tounge." I agreed, and Michelle knelt on all fours, letting Jackie lay under us. As I began, Jackie kept pulling my cock out to suck it, and to suck Michelle's dripping wet pussy. Then she put me back inside her and licked my balls as we fucked. Michelle's pussy was so slick and wet, I almost couldn't feel anything and worried about being able to cum again. Jackie ran her hands all over us both, her fingers gently exploring my asshole and rubbing Michelle's clit. "Make him cum a lot Michelle!" Jackie urged. "Make him fill you with his hot cum! I want him to cum and cum and cum in you!" That urging stiffened my cock and Michelle felt it. She slammed back against me, her ass rippling and her tits bouncing. I grabbed her hips and began to pound her sopping cunt with everything I had, wanting to cum a lot for both of these lusty ladies. Michelle thrust back hard, and Jackie sucked Michelle's clit. Michelle was floating on a cloud of passion, moaning and panting. "Fuck me!" She moaned. "Cum! Fill me with your jism! Cum all over the place!" Again, her lusty words stiffened my cock and I tried to bury my cock and even my balls in her sopping cunt. "Give it to meeee!" Michelle moaned. "Soak my cunt with your jizzzm!" Jackie gently slid her finger up my asshole, and I felt the beginning of a huge orgasm approaching. Jackie's finger was wet, with her own saliva, cunt juice or with Michelle's cunt juice, and she fucked my ass, working her finger around and massaging my prostate. "Cum a lot!" Jackie said, slightly muffled from below. "Fill her cunt with your delicious hot sperm! Let me drink your cum!" I shot off, spewing what seemed like gallons of cum into Michelle. Our bodies rammed together, and my cock pulsed over and over, sending streams of thick cum into her hot cunt. Michelle came too, her pussy spasming and sucking every drop from me. Jackie's finger was still moving, slowly, in my anus, and I pulled out, spurting the last, milky white cum against Michelle's cunt-lips. "Ohhh!" Jackie moaned, then raised her head, licking my juice from Michelle's sopped cunt. Her finger slid out of my butt, and I pressed Michelle's hips down onto Jackie's face. Jackie moaned and slurped, her whole body moving as if she wanted to crawl inside of Michelle. Michelle, gasped and began to cum all over again, this time, I cupped her tits and held her, nibbling on the back of her neck. Jackie continued to moan underneath her, and Michelle's hips rocked back and forth, shuddering with orgasms. Finally, Michelle cried out and rolled off, laying on the floor and curling up, still shaking and spasming. I looked down at Jackie, and her face was a wet gooey mess. She was wiping our juices off and licking them from her fingers. I smiled and she sat up, looking at Michelle. "You...dear..." Michelle panted, " absolute mess. But thank you!" We all rested, holding each other. Jackie turned the turkey dinner down to a low heat, and then suggested that we shower before dinner. After our shower, we feasted on slightly dry, overdone, turkey, but it was the best meal I'd had in a long, long time!